Problem with the DX4VB tutorial...
TrooperI"m reading the DirectDraw tutorial on fullscreen. In the first code he gives us... [code] Option Explicit 'DirectX likes all it's variables to be predefined Dim binit As Boolean 'A simple flag (true/false) that states whether we've initialised or not. If the initialisation is successful 'this changes to true, the program also checks before doing any drawing if this flag is true. If the initialisation failed and we 'try and draw things we'll get lots of errors... Dim dx As New DirectX7 'This is the root object. DirectDraw is created from this Dim dd As DirectDraw7 'This is DirectDraw, all things DirectDraw come from here Dim Mainsurf As DirectDrawSurface7 'This holds our bitmap Dim primary As DirectDrawSurface7 'This surface represents the screen - see earlier in the tutorial Dim backbuffer As DirectDrawSurface7 'This was mentioned earlier on... Dim ddsd1 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the primary surface Dim ddsd2 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the bitmap that we load Dim ddsd3 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the size of the screen Dim brunning As Boolean 'this is another flag that states whether or not the main game loop is running. Dim CurModeActiveStatus As Boolean 'This checks that we still have the correct display mode Dim bRestore As Boolean 'If we don't have the correct display mode then this flag states that we need to restore the display mode [/code] The part I"m having trouble with is the... [code] Dim ddsd1 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the primary surface Dim ddsd2 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the bitmap that we load Dim ddsd3 As DDSURFACEDESC2 'this describes the size of the screen [/code] I"m using DirectX7, but with 2003 Standard. Anyideas on how to accomplish this with .net?
Sr. GuapoHave you added a reference to the directX7 for Visual Basic Library? You must do this in VB.NET (those tutorials are in VB6).
Trooperyes, i did
Eric ColemanAre you getting some error message or something? The article won't list all of the code needed to make the program function properly. Only specific things are highlighted in the article, so you should probably look at the sample application to what you are missing. You should convert the sample application and not the article.