DX8 Surface problem
StormyHi there, i have a problem with surface in directx8. i want to move with the surface, but i dont know how. can anybody help me, please? Thx.
cjb0087what do you mean by 'move with the surface'?
Originally posted by cjb0087
what do you mean by 'move with the surface'?
i mean changing xy position
VBBRUh... I guess "surface" isn't the right term... you mean a quad? Then you just change the x,y coordinates of each vertex by the amount you want to move.
Originally posted by VBBR
Uh... I guess "surface" isn't the right term... you mean a quad? Then you just change the x,y coordinates of each vertex by the amount you want to move.
no, i really mean surface -- Direct3DSurface8 object
Eric ColemanYou can't move a surface. You can render the surface on another surface (generally the backbuffer) in different locations. For this, you'll need some sort of geometry since directx 8 doesn't support a bitblt. You will need to create a "quad" that uses the surface as a texture. You then modify the World matrix by either creating a translation matrix as the world matrix or multiplying the current world matrix with a translation matrix.