DirectX 7.0 and 8.0 Rect Problem....
chainHey, I can't remember how to fix this problem so I figured someone here might be able to. I know the answer used to be on Lucky's Forum but they aren't working right now. Anyways, when you have both references for DirectX 7.0 and 8.0 you get an error if you are defining anything as a RECT. Just wondering what it was I have to put in front of it. All I can think of is "dxvidl.Rect" but i know it's wrong cause I tried it...
sdwOk, I went back to one of my old DirectX7 projects and played around with adding a reference to DirectX8. I messed around with the references and I got some errors with some RECT defined variables. I got the error to go away when getting DirectX7 to come before DirectX8 in the references dialog box. You can switch them by unchecking the DirectX8 reference, hit OK, then go back to the references dialog window and check DirectX8 again. Strange bug... hope this helps.
VBBRI think you can reference DX7 by DxVBLib and DX8 by DxVBLibA. Like "DxVBLib.RECT" for DX7 and "DxVBLibA.RECT" for DX8.
Eric Colemanuse the Object Browser in VB, press F2, and you can see which libraries you have refrenced.
chainThanks a lot!