VB.Net and Future DX SDK Releases
Knight Chat X Here's a post from Tom Miller on his blog: We will be bringing back VB.NET samples in future DX SDK releases.. With the new 'quicker' SDK releases, it affords us this opportunity. The link to the blog is here: http://blogs.msdn.com/tmiller/archive/2004/10/08/240025.aspx
Eric ColemanIt's about damn time. I'd like to know what everyone's opinion is, with all the versioning problems between .NET and the difficulty of installing the correct version of managed Directx, is using VB.NET worth dealing with these problems that will ultimately make your game look unpolished if someone can't get it working after hours of updates to their pc?
Eric ColemanAfter reading that blog, I get the impression that the Directx 9.0c SDK didn't have ANY VB examples? I haven't downloaded the 9.0c SDK, so I wouldn't know.
Originally posted by Eric Coleman
After reading that blog, I get the impression that the Directx 9.0c SDK didn't have ANY VB examples? I haven't downloaded the 9.0c SDK, so I wouldn't know.
OMG you havent heard! NO the dx9.0c SDK release does not come with vb.net samples only C# samples! Lamo Lamo Lamo! Thats why I compiled and posted the DX9SampleFramework.dll from the DX9.0c sdk because it's written in C#! no vb.net nada, zilch, non existante [url]http://www.vbgamer.com/msgboard/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=335[/url]
Knight Chat XExactly! Not even a simple create device sample, even though that's not a biggy, it could be for a beginner which might assume VB.Net support isn't there and might not be in the future. However, on the up side, since you can't find any books out there right now that accurately includes DirectX 9.0c VB.Net examples, it's the perfect time to make a book and get paid while the professional's are vacationing, and with development contests called for to use Managed DX, and if I know my own programming well external documentation is what comes out last (not including internal comments.), but as a small risk they could change the version again on us all after a book is released. But here's some more if you've got a high speed connection, this is an interview about the new Managed DirectX 9.0, what it's for, what it's about, some up's and downs, etc.: http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/episode037/default.asp If somebody get's a book out before they do I'm gonna laugh.
Lachlan87Not that it's that big of a deal. . . it requires very little brain power to translate C# to VB.Net. I can never figure out why in the world anyone would use C# when they could use VB.Net. As far as I can tell, C# doen't even really have any power advantages over VB, except maybe pointers.
Eric ColemanIt's business. MS want's people to use their proprietary language to lock developers into developing only for MS systems. However, a simple conversion from C# to VB.NET isn't all that straightforward. It seems that C# can have unmanaged code sections, and that seems to be needed for the current DirectX 9.0c version. I downloaded the SDK last night and I plan on installing the rest of it today to take a look at the code to get a better idea of what MS did.
Originally posted by Eric Coleman C# can have unmanaged code sections, and that seems to be needed for the current DirectX 9.0c version.
I had forgotten about that. Visual Basic can supress unmanaged code security, and somehow I confused that with the ability to write unmanaged code. [:I] So C# does have at least one advantage over VB.Net.
Eric ColemanThe fact that you have to have unmaged managed code mixed in really defeats the purpose of using Managed DirectX.