


Replaced Quote ! Adam Hoult (4 replies, 0 views) (2000-Apr-10)
Hey mattman, ok we all enjoy a laugh =) But please refrain from changing the quotes to those with inappropriate content. Ok carl may not mind, but if it was someone else, who took offense at what you said, I MYSELF can be personally held responsible for any libellous text posted on the board (see recent court case against demon internet here in the uk, just because they were carrying libellous text on their news server, they didn't post it ! =). The thing is, it turns out, that anything posted to my personal property, IS ultimately my responsibility, the buck stops at me. I hate censoring anything (you guys know that hence the removal of the censored word list), and I have even turned the moderation off (cos I know that pisses ME off when i post to a board). But i'm only protecting myself, i can't afford to settle out of court for quarter of a million like demon did =) Still, sorry for the black tone of that e-mail, anyways, go ahead and do that sort of thing if you want, i personally find it quite funny =), but i can't speak for anyone else who may take offence at being quoted as saying "Molesting boys is so part of the programming process", anyway, all im asking is please choose your words carefully, ok =) Thanks m8. DOH ! hehehe. Seriously im not getting at you, just a friendly request =) Adam

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RE: Replaced Quote ! Carl (1 reply) (2000-Apr-11)
Thanks ! Adam Hoult (0 replies) (2000-Apr-11)
Oh... Mattman (1 reply) (2000-Apr-12)
RE: Oh... Adam Hoult (0 replies) (2000-Apr-12)

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