


RE: Direct3D Performance LazE (0 replies, 0 views) (2000-May-2)
Hey. I've spoken to a few D3D gurus before and here's some of the advice I was given: 1) Make sure that the engine changes the texture as few times as possible. If you have 3 boxes with the same texture and another two boxes with different textures make the rendering chain look like this: a a a b c. Don't get it all mixed up (like b a a c a). In my engine I have a UDT called TextureGroup. Basically is has a texture object and all of the vertices it has to render so in my engine the texture is only changed once per texture. After I implemented this i was about to render a few hundred more vertices. 2) Use the ComputeSphereVisibility function. It'll tell you if a group of vertices are on screen or not. 3) Don't use an array of objects in your rendering loop (the word 'Set' should NOT appear in your rendering loop). 4) The TLVERTEX format is ridiculously fast. I was able to render a few thousand of them using HAL at 60+ FPS. If you want, you can e-mail me your rendering loop and I'll look at it.

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