


Hm ok ill explain! YellowSheep (5 replies, 0 views) (2001-Jun-28)
Well I need this for 2 apps: first some kind of callsenter unix pix arry reciving secound the more importand for myself: I work on my very own astroides (its 3d) and im passing quite aloth of data across the tcp protocol for stopping lag in combination with prediction. the silly thing is, SPLIT IS TOO SLOW! i need a way for passing the arry as it is though the network, hm would be nice if there is a trick so that i can handle the network like a file (aka unix c) cause of you can really easily put a userdef. type/arry into a file... or simplier: is there a way for useing a string like an file IO or the winsock like an file io. or is there a way for NOT useing split, one that is faster and use less VB spec. functions? perhaps you know Half-life, the got a quite good netcode, with small packs, i dont think that they used some kind of chr(127) between their informations. I think they just copied the arry elements into a string and send it, and copied the string back into an arry :) now, got a knowlege of what i mean? =) -yellowsheep

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Maybe W-Buffer (1 reply) (2001-Jun-28)
wont work for me... YellowSheep (0 replies) (2001-Jun-29)
Doesn't use Split... Mattman (2 replies) (2001-Jun-29)
hm got an idea why.../solution?! YellowSheep (1 reply) (2001-Jun-29)
Ummmm W-Buffer (0 replies) (2001-Jul-5)

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