


DirectX gets sluggish in Win98... Itay Sagui (3 replies, 0 views) (2001-Sep-25)
I've encountered a weird problem, and I hope someone will be able to at least give me something to hang on..... I writing a game in VB, DirectDraw7, which runns at a normal 50FPS in Windows 2000, but when I run it in Win98, the FPS drops to something around 16. This is quite weird, since it used to work perfectly fine. I'm developing under Win98 but encountered this problem only a few days ago... And please, don't tell me to undo the changes I've made... I've made soo much of them, and since I'm not the only programmer who's working on the code, this option is not possible.... :( Thanks in advance, Itay.

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Re: DirectX gets sluggish in Win98... Blight (2 replies) (2001-Sep-25)
Re: DirectX gets sluggish in Win98... Itay Sagui (1 reply) (2001-Sep-25)
Re: DirectX gets sluggish in Win98... SLotman (0 replies) (2001-Sep-25)

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