


Re: Sound Quality under DX7 Dsound Stormcloud Creations (5 replies, 0 views) (2001-Sep-26)
Sometimes the way the sound itself is sampled can cause problems, also the sound card may have something to do with it. I would try playing the .WAV under Media Player, and seeing if the noise still occurs. If it does, than it's the quality of the .WAV, not DSound that's causing it. DSound will not typically correct poor quality samples. You could resample the sound in higher quality in Recorder, but that could cause a huge size hit. Derek Stormcloud Creations

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Re: Sound Quality under DX7 Dsound Martin (4 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: Sound Quality under DX7 Dsound Stormcloud Creations (3 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: Sound Quality under DX7 Dsound Martin (2 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Try SDK... Rag on a Stick (1 reply) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: Try SDK... Martin (0 replies) (2001-Sep-29)

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