


comparing UDT's Pekuna (4 replies, 0 views) (2001-Oct-2)
Here's a simple(hopefully) problem, which I never did learn how to solve. I want to be able to check if one UDT = another, but I get the error, type mismatch. This is not the case, however, because they are of the same I could use some help on this one.

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Re: comparing UDT's Rag on a Stick (3 replies) (2001-Oct-3)
hmm, or Almar Joling (2 replies) (2001-Oct-3)
My common sense says... Rag on a Stick (1 reply) (2001-Oct-3)
Re: My common sense says... Almar Joling (0 replies) (2001-Oct-4)

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