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Open-Source Engine/Game Rules/FAQ Spodi (1 reply, 1644 views) (2005-Aug-19) About This Forum: This forum is dedicated to talking about open-source Games and Engines. This includes anything from recruiting a group to make a project, talking about certain vb engines or games, or anything relating to just "open-source games/engines". Games that are not open source, requested Visual Basic help, or any other topics that do not fall in the the "open-source games/engines" category, can be posted on the VBGamer Section. Getting An Engine/Game Posted In The Official Section: If you want an engine/game posted that is either yours, or you know of, just make a post with the game/engine Name, Author, Link (website and/or download link), Screenshots, Description, and other information you would want included. When approved, a post will be made in the Official Open-Source Game/Engine section. In the official game/engine section, only admin may post a new topic, but everyone is free to reply to the topic, giving feedback of the game or engine. Purpose: The purpose of these two forums are to help people find their way through the vast jungle of open-source engines and games, for as we all know, there are tons of them around. Help on retrieving all of these games and engines would be greatly appriciated, just post the information in this forum. Enjoy. :)