



9 links in Math

Euler Angle Conversion A page about Euler angles Vote
Huffman Coding A website about Huffman Coding Vote
Hugo Elias' Models Page Contians lots of mathematical discussions of phycsical topics, such as collision detection, gravity, inverse kinematics, springs, and more. Vote
Ken Perlin's Noise Website Perlin's noise is one of the most influential graphics techniques in modern times. Vote
MathWorld A very large encyclopedia of math topics. The site is free to use, but its all copyrighted material. Vote
Mersenne Twister The home page to a random number generator. Vote
Mr. Meanie's 3D Algorithms Has information on BSP trees, polygons and planes, raytracing,, matrix math, and more. Vote
nVidia projective texture mapping Vote
PlanetMath A large community website for discussing mathematics. Vote

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Eric Coleman, Peter Kuchnio , et. al.
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