


Step 1.a

Pick the Border style, the border width, and the border color of the border around the entire news section. You can set the background color or you can set the background color for individual elements in later steps. For the background color, you can use an image by typing its web location in a url(). Example,
Background Color color picker
Border Style
Border Width
Border Color color picker

Step 1.b

For the "VB Gamer News" title section, pick the Border style, the border width, border color and background color.
Background Color color picker
Border Style
Border Width
Border Color color picker

Step 1.c

For the individual news items, pick the border style, the border width, border color and background color.
Background Color color picker
Border Style
Border Width
Border Color color picker

Step 2.a

Pick the Font, the font size, and font color for the "VB Gamer News" title section.
Font Size
Font Weight
Font Color color picker

Step 2.b

Pick the Font, the font size, and font color for the news date.
Font Size
Font Weight
Font Color color picker

Step 2.c

Pick the Font, the font size, and font color for the news link.
Font Size
Font Weight
Font Color color picker

Step 3 - Generate CSS

Press the button below to generate the style sheet information for your web page.

Step 4 - Finish

Copy and paste the style you created between the <head> and </head> tags in your webpage. The last thing you need to do is put the following line where you want your news ticker to appear.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC=""></SCRIPT>

If you want to control the width of the news ticker, just use a simple table like this and modify the WIDTH to whatever you want.:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" SRC=""></SCRIPT>

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Eric Coleman, Peter Kuchnio , et. al.
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