


DX9Tools Release 4 Availible - Created by: X (1 reply, 10 views) (2003-Dec-13)
My DX9 (Managed) Helper library DX9Tools Release 4 is now availible and has it's own workspace at gotdotnet! I have also included another project called DXEliminator which further simplifies DX9 but uses DX9Tools in the background. I have also provided 14 example apps that demonstrate a number of DX9Tools features. DX9Tools needs your feedback to become even better! And I am always happy to have people contribute weather it be with code or just ideas on how to improve the library! DX9ToolsR4 Feature list ...
  • Ability to save, load and pass over sets of texture state mapping flags.
  • Provides an easy to use camera object.
  • Provides storage collections for cameras, lights, materials, meshes, and a few more.
  • Init graphics in just 1 lines of code and let DX9Tools use best hardware features automatically.
  • Each object tries to be independent from one another so that the developer can choose what specific objects they want to make use of and not have to worry about any one object being dependant on another to perform a task.
  • Many pre-built interfaces so that you can write your own custom objects or inherit from the existing pre-built base objects.
  • Provides a simple Animation controller!
  • Provides a number of pre-built animation controller keys like position, rotation, scale, matrix, and texture state keys.
  • Provides a number of sprite interfaces and base objects.
  • Contains many common and useful methods for working with directx.
  • Easy to use DirectDraw class.
  • Helper methods for Lights, Geometry, and math.
  • Objects for working with the keyboard and mouse.
  • A MeshEx (Mesh Extended) wrapper class that stores it's own materials.
  • Contains a number of GUI interfaces and base objects.
  • Provides a class for 2D graphic fonts both static and animated.
  • Provides a class for animated strips.
  • Raises custom exceptions for specific errors. With more features being created.

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Re: DX9Tools Release 4 Availible -  Spodi (0 replies) (2003-Dec-14)
Sounds really good, wish I had .NET so I could try it ;)

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