


Quests of Middle Earth Demo Available - Tacoman (12 replies, 2149 views) (2004-Feb-6)
New "Lord of the Rings" based game is now under construction. There is a demo available for download. The game is an RPG in which you create a custom character and then travel through; and do quests in Middle Earth. On the way you will meet some of the characters mentioned in "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit". More information available at [url=""]GameMaster Central[/url]

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ERROR - Path not found This error occured after clicking tutorial, making up a name, and setting all character attributes to 1 or more. After clicking OK the error occured.
Exact same error happend for me too. =/ Looks sweet though by the screenshots! Nice work Tacoman.
I have seen this error before. The File path to the folder "game master" MUST be "C:\Program Files\" I'm sorry if this is a problem. An installer will be included in the full version that will eliminate this issue. PLEASE read the readme it provides instructions on the installation of QME.
Not good. You should be using App.Path for all your paths. Otherwise you're not giving the user much freedom over where he/she would like to store the game on their computer.
I like it, although it seems you still have a lot of work ahead of you. I have found some things wrong with the game though, so I'll tell you what they are even though you may already be aware of them. -The camera jerks when nearing edges of the map. My guess is the camera position goes too far past the edge before it is set to a constant position.(maybe not a constant position, but I don't have any other word for it) -When moving, sometimes I have to thoroughly let off all arrows keys before being able to move again, making for slow turns and such. -In the inventory the item descriptions are not displayed until you click whatever the item is. Only problem is that sometimes I just want to see the item description and not equip the item to anything. -While the inventory is active, if the ingame form recieves focus I cannot resume gameplay nor bring the inventory form back up because the forms are unmoveable. Most likely you already know about these little problems with your game. But just in case you didn't, now you do :)
Probably the biggest reason you guys are having some problems is because the folder is not unzipped. Extract the internal "game master" folder to c:\program files . I you don't do this then it won't work. Thanks for the suggestions, sdw. I am aware of each of these problems and am in the process of improving the whole thing. This is only an early alpha version, the final version will be a hundred times better. Hope this helps everyone.
Yeah, seriously, you should use App.Path App.Path will return the directory that the executable is located in, which would allow people to unzip it into any directory they choose. Look it up in the Visual Basic help file.
Yeah, since it is vital for programs to be user-friendly, unless someone buys the game or really eager to play it, most likely they wont look at the Readme for troubleshooting.
Yeah, I'll do that for the beta version.
Well, i get path not found error and its annoying. When i put the game in the right folder i get AutoRedraw Error. Character Statestics should be set as 1 as default and not able to remove the first point. Instead of diabling Textboxes with info lock them. Make the Window Fullscreen or give me a border. Get Rid of the VB icon in the other forms. Remove the start up menu if its just gonna contain one button. There is a picturebox Blocking some of the text on the main screen. The first menu shouldn't be resizable. Character Creation form should not be named Form1 adn not be sizable. Ablilty Textboxes should be Center Aligned. The Ability Explanation box should be locked and made bigger. I know this is a alpha version but thats my opinions. Good Luck
One thing which I'll add to the App.Path thing is that there is one thing which makes it annoying - people who can't think of a directory name so they put it in the root directory. Why is this a problem? For folders, App.Path might return "C:\Program Files", to which you put a "\blah" on the end. If your program is running from the root of a drive, App.Path will return something like "C:\" and when you add the "\blah" you end up with an error. Hence, I always use a function which looks like this: Public Function AppPath() As String If Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\" Then AppPath = Left$(App.Path, Len(App.Path) - 1) Else AppPath = App.Path End If End Function One time when you might like things running from the root of a drive is if you are running off a CD. But even then, I can't see exactly why.
IMPORTANT!! If you can't get the demo to work, head over the the 'site. Your error will probably be explained there. It's in the forum. QME comments section.

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