


Re: VideogameLayer3d (VGL3d) Alpha Demo - Eric Coleman (1 reply, 1784 views) (2004-Sep-9)
Actually, you should use both. [:)] A frame rate cap can help the game maintain a constant frame rate. A game that plays at a constant 30 FPS maintains the illusion of motion much better than a game that has a frame rate that fluctuates between 30 and 60 FPS. A problem with time based modeling is that the faster the frames per second, the lower your accuracy becomes because you have a predefined precision. If your delta time between frames is too small, then you run the risk of values being continuously rounded down. This could make things like particle-systems not move at all.

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Re: VideogameLayer3d (VGL3d) Alpha Demo - rene (0 replies) (2004-Sep-10)
Not nescesarily.. just do something like this (ripped from my physics engine) updatetime = GetTickCount() Dim deltatime As Int32 = updatetime - lastupdate Dim timestep As Single = 1 / IterationsPerSec 'this is actually a constant Dim iterations As Int32 = deltatime * 0.001 * IterationsPerSec For k = 0 To iterations 'do stuff Next k lastupdate = updatetime

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