


Re: Close Approach 3D asteroids shooter release - abstractworlds (0 replies, 10 views) (2003-Dec-15)
"But why would you make a commercial game in VB?" If you want to make a relatively simple game for budget release for the PC Windows market only, then VB is a good choice. Close Approach uses Direct3D which also limits it to the PC Windows platform. "I doubt you get very much money", this is true. Between Nov 1998 and June 1999 we sold 43 copies at 8 dollars each with minimal marketing. We then made the mistake of entering into an exclusive 2 year publishing contract which meant we couldn't sell the game direct. The publisher eventually sold the game in CompUSA 3 years later but then went bust which meant we received no money even though the game was selling in CompUSA, and we lost 3 years of selling direct income. Now that we've relaunched the game for selling direct we're hoping for some sales - remember we're not marketing the game to VB games developer websites, but to normal games download sites which the general public use. "help to better educate us all" we have our own ideas about what is the best way to get a complete novice up to speed with programming 3D games and without giving too much away we are working on such a product for release later in 2004. This product will have example games and source, and should be easier to learn from than looking at the more complex optimised code associated with a commercial game. There will also be a free version of this product and it will not require the user to purchase a development tool like VB, VC++, or Delphi - it is therefore aimed at the PC game development community in general not just the VB game community.

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