


Re: DXGame 2D Engine For VB6 Released! - sdw (0 replies, 821 views) (2004-Feb-19)
Ok... 1.) Why does a vb game developer need a premade game engine as simple as this one when he/she could make an equivalent which will work faster? 2.) Visual Basic is already a RAD, why does a vb game developer need yet another tool for less development time? 3.) This will create yet another dependency file for the game developer to distribute with their game. 4.) I would like to know who sumbitted those comments to your site on the right side of the page. 5.) Why should somebody waste their time to learn how to use this engine while he/she could accomplish every single one of the features offered by this engine with help from a few tutorials? 6.) Please tell me you're not trying to make money off of this thing by having people purchase a license for using it. 7.) Again, some of those 'user submitted' comments really bug me, especially these: >"Ok, I don't have to write my own >engine now, I can use yours and get >back to writing my game instead!" -THE ENGINE IS THE GAME!!!! >"Got an hour or so to kill? Boot up VB >and DXG and make a game!" -So someone actually sent you this comment? Because it sounds like a made-up advertisement to me... I really hope that you did not put a lot of time and effort into making this pointless engine...

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