


Re: DXGame 2D Engine For VB6 Released! - sdw (0 replies, 820 views) (2004-Feb-20)
lol, sing it Shaedo. Anyways... negative comment? No, I'm only trying to make other people aware of the faults of this engine. You do not need to be writing games all of your life in order to make a game in Visual basic. It's called basic for a reason, lol, anyone can pick it up in a month or so without much programming experience. Concentrate on making their game? again, isn't the engine the core of the game? Sure saying that this engine is pointless was a bit harsh, but let me explain my reasoning for thinking so. I'm just guessing most game makers here re-use any DX code they've previously written for all of their games stored in some sort of module or whatever they prefer like I do. Your 'engine', if it is even considered an engine, doesn't seem to contain anything more than drawing functions and ways to control sprites. Maybe if you just released the sourcecode to it as a module it wouldn't be so bad for newbies to learn from, like setting up DX and stuff like that. But to try and make money off a dll containing DX functions which could all be found on sounds pointless to me. Let me know how you do on sales. Btw, DXGAME, I did not want to email you directly about my opions because that would obviously get nothing done. Other people need to hear about what is wrong with your 'engine' first before they would consider using/purchasing it, which I hope everyone has enough sense not to do. Spodi, it's not that big of a deal because no one will purchase the dll *i hope*. Could you honestly tell me that you would consider buying something like this? For that matter, attempt to sell it? =)

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