


optimistic pessimism Eric Coleman (8 replies, 2 views) (2002-Jan-28)
I've seen plenty of dead "community game" projects on the internet programmed in various other languages, mostly C++. The fact that the community games have all died so far is not because they are programmed in VB, its because the groups have leaders that quit or possibly because no one is motivated.

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Projects Also Fail Because... Pekuna (7 replies) (2002-Jan-31)
Re: Projects Also Fail Because... Brykovian (6 replies) (2002-Feb-1)
some thoughts... Corre (5 replies) (2002-Feb-1)
Re: some thoughts... Pekuna (4 replies) (2002-Feb-1)
Re: some thoughts... Jotaf (3 replies) (2002-Feb-1)
My opinion Almar Joling (2 replies) (2002-Feb-4)
My Opinion v2.0 Lorn (1 reply) (2002-Feb-5)
Well..seems to have died already =-) NT* Almar Joling (0 replies) (2002-Feb-6)

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