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 So, 20 years have past since most of us "met"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Almar Posted - Apr 21 2018 : 2:04:10 PM

We are roughly 20 years later after most of us have met building games in the days of VB6, DirectDraw surfaces and Bit-blitting pixels to the screen as fast as we could.

I know that this message is like a message in a bottle, thrown in a large ocean, but maybe someone will catch it and decide it might be worthy to reply!

The question is, what are you up to, and are you still working on anything game related? I would start normally, but first want to see if this message is seen anyway :)

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Spodi Posted - Jul 16 2021 : 12:56:45 AM
Where am I? I think I went through the wrong door and ended up back in my early teens. Hmm.
Eric Coleman Posted - Jul 26 2018 : 2:13:47 PM
I have a Ph.D. in Astrophysics, so not really game related. And yeah, it's been a long time. The programming and game programming world has changed so much. Personally I've done most of my professional work in Python.

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