


Re: VideogameLayer3d (VGL3d) Alpha Demo - VBBR (3 replies, 1803 views) (2004-Sep-9)
But suppose you're using frame-based animation and the user gets something like 20 or 15 FPS... Wouldn't that make the animation slow?

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Yeah, even if you have the frame rate capped at 30 FPS, someone will run the game and only get 15 FPS, meaning the game isa only going half the peed it should. This is especially critical in Online games, since multiple characters will have to be kept in sync (can't have the AI moving 2 times as fast as you [;)]).
Sorry about the doiuble post, the page said it could not be displayed, so I assumed it didn't post...
Re: VideogameLayer3d (VGL3d) Alpha Demo -  VBBR (0 replies) (2004-Sep-10)
Isn't there a command here to delete posts? It's the second time this happens, just in this thread.

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