277 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2004 : 11:38:34 AM
I decided to create a forum, to answer any questions about the DaBooda Turbo Engine. I do have a help file completed now.. you can get it here:
This will clarify alot of the commands as well as show all the features of the engine. Also I have one tutorial written and will have more in the future, time permitting. You can get those here:
I developed this forum post to keep the topics a little more organized, and I only request you post questions that pertain to the DaBooda Turbo Project. Any question about it, the site, or the concept itself is encouraged.
Thank you to the Moderators of this site for allowing me to do this.
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
Edited by - masterbooda on May 31 2004 12:24:51 AM
277 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2004 : 10:38:59 PM
I have finally created a .dll file for the engine, and have a full installer for it. If anyone is curious just visit the site and download it. This will make the engine, a lot easier to use, in my opinion, no more programming with all the classes and modules cluttering up the project, just one reference and if any updates come out, all anyone will have to do is download and run the installer, for it does everything.
DaBooda out...
P.S. If anyone has any suggestions on doing this a better way, please feel free to post.
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2004 : 12:14:07 AM
Thanks to the help of Sr. Guapo and the helpful suggestions of many other fellow programmers, the DaBooda Turbo 2D Engine has resolved a major bug...
The update is available for the DaBooda Turbo Project site... as well as a new tutorial on mapping, more to come, now that this bug has been fixed...
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2004 : 5:15:40 PM
For whom it may concern, I have wrote yet another tutorial, this one explaining the basics of the Sprite Class. That brings the tutorial count up to 3, I am getting there, especially now that the great Debug of '04 is done I can spend more time on these...
Please feel free to download these at , I am hoping for some response to these tutorials to let me know whether or not they are helping.
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
Sr. Guapo
272 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2004 : 3:58:29 PM
I have looked at all the tutorials (I figured it was the least I could do after making you go over the whole thing for a week). Anyway, the tutorials are very good. They are easy to follow and they explain what is going on very well... I also really like the actual engine. It is very easy to use and alot faster than you might think for being made in VB (No offense, VB rocks). Keep up the good work... Maybe I will try and create a game or two.  |
617 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2004 : 4:50:13 PM
See... Am I very dumb or what? I couldn't find the tutorials at your page! |
Whatever. Who knows... |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2004 : 4:55:47 PM
I need to make another page and put the tutorials alone on it, but I wasn't thinking I was going to have as many as I do or will have. But the tutorials are located on the engine page. Just scroll down beyond the .dll and source and you will see them... sorry for the confusion... I am going to make another page to put them on.
Sr. Guapo, thank you for reading them and letting me know.... I am extremely horrible at explaining things, I figured the code alone in the tutorial examples would be enough, but thanks for letting me know that the tutorials alone are easy to follow... and thanks again for the comments...
DaBooda Out...
p.s. also I do have another 1 up, so that is 4 so far... I am getting there...
DaBooda Team is back: |
617 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2004 : 7:01:30 PM
Oh... How stupid of me not seeing that... anyway... thanks for putting a "& tutorials" there...
I will look at the tutorials now (hum, maybe tomorrow... I think I'm a little fed up of PC's for today) |
Whatever. Who knows... |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2004 : 5:12:16 PM
Ok, have one more tutorial up, bringing the count to 5... this one actually resembles an actual game and will teach sprite collision, sound, and a few more helpful math functions... enjoy..
VBBR you are welcome for the clarification, thanks for pointing that out to me...
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2004 : 11:07:01 PM
I will be down from 10pm to 8am from now on, my computer needs some downtime at nite... this means my server too... my fan is making some sick noises, I need to run as little as possible until I get a new one...
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2004 : 11:53:28 PM
If there is anyone interested I have another sprite tutorial done, this one being the last one. Now I have a total of 6 tutorials, and I hope that these alone will help anybody out that is interested.
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2004 : 03:55:53 AM
Finally I have completed all the tutorials, there are a total of 8 and they cover the essentials of the engine, so after reading all of them, there should be no question of being able to make a fully functional game with the engine...
Again I hope these help those who are interested, and finally I can get back to working on some games... Also if anyone is reading these let me know if they help, or if they are just confusing because I tend to babble pretty badly...
Peace out.... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2004 : 04:17:00 AM
Version 1.3 is done, I have fixed a major issue with the lost device error in fullscreen mode. Now the user can Alt-tab or hit the Window's key until their finger falls off. I have also added a Secondary Sound Buffer system to the DBMath class to be used by the .SoundSpritePlay command. This allows for mulitple instances of a single sound to play at one time. I have also wrote another tutorial explaining how to pause the engine during window minimization in windowed mode.
I am goint to get to work on anther demo program that will hopefully spark some more interest in this engine...
DaBooda out... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
277 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2004 : 09:44:50 AM
I have officially removed the ask permission policy, now the engine is 100% freeware and open source to boot. I only put in a favor for a little credit to be put into anything made with the engine, but this is just simply a favor, and not a requirement.
If one feels the need to copy code and call it their own, they really should reconsider being a programmer anyways... that is my opinion on the matter..
Again, to keep from being asked this question one more time, the engine is 100% free, no license or permission is requiered to use it, and the credit thing is not required, just something to consider really.
DaBooda out...
P.S Is it me, are people just unhappy with anything that gets put on the news posts. I have seen shareware slammed, and now even freeware... crazy world kids... I'm going to start hiding in my cellar with a ham radio and a lifetime supply of water, claiming the government is watching me.... or maybe I am just paranoid.........shhh... someones at the door... |
DaBooda Team is back: |
83 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2004 : 12:59:49 PM
"P.S Is it me, are people just unhappy with anything that gets put on the news posts. "
Nahh, there's just way too many "me too" projects of the same thing going around now. |
617 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2004 : 2:10:18 PM
Oh yeah, if a thing is not perfect expect people to say bad things about it. Specially if it IS open source. I guess the best thing to do here is to release something freeware closed source. Less headaches. |
Whatever. Who knows... |