


Re: High quality Strategy pure VB! Almar Joling (7 replies, 1 views) (2001-Sep-25)
Sure -Quadrantwars (free) -Galaxy (free) -DDCK2:MOC (free) -Battle Fire4: Chaos Theatre (will be published?) -Wild West (?) And lots of game I forgot the name of, made by Eric, MetalW, Mateo, Rag(Emoticon, RTS?), etc.. The community isn't dying. Our 'high quality games' take time to develop.

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Re: High quality Strategy pure VB! Stormcloud Creations (6 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: High quality Strategy pure VB! Almar Joling (5 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
+one thing Almar Joling (4 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: +one thing Stormcloud Creations (3 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
... Almar Joling (2 replies) (2001-Sep-26)
Re: ... Gherkin (1 reply) (2001-Sep-26)

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